Below is a list of links we’ve compiled to many different safe outdoor options for cats, ranging from play tunnels for short periods of outdoor time, to simple, and more complicated, outdoor enclosures. In addition to this list, we’ll give an explanation of how one of our foster homes enclosed their existing deck for about $250 and installed a cat door through the window.
The Cat’s Den (This is very nice, but also expensive. They also offer build your own kits and do custom designs.)
Stanford Cat Network (This is a page with ideas and resources.) ( This offers options for houses and also apartments/condos.)
This is the Purrfect Fence.
Sally’s Cat House has some beautiful ideas!
If you have an existing deck, you can easily build a frame that holds lattice and screen. Plastic corrugated roofing is a way to let light in, but keep the weather out (and the cats in). A cat door installed in a piece of wood the width of a window will give the cats access without major construction on a door or in a wall.